Thursday, November 5, 2009
Fort Hood Massacre
Turns out the main shooter, there were possibly three, is a soldier. Scratch that, not just a soldier but a Major, which means he’s an officer who has been in the military at least 8 years if not longer.
I have no idea how this could have happened. I’m stunned.
My thoughts go out to all those affected and to my brothers and sisters in the US Armed Forces.
I was lifting weights, doing upright rows with a barbell to be exact, and I felt a pull and some pain. I shrugged it off and continued my sets and by the end of the exercise the pain was pretty noticeable. Still, I finished lifting, played Frisbee that night, lots of snapping wrist movement in that, and I lifted more weights the next day, All the while the wrist was noticeably sore.
I’ve done this my entire life, not because I’ve got some kind of high pain tolerance (I’m not sure that I do) but because no one has ever told me to stop. Pain has always been something that you play or work through.
I find this to be a blessing but fear that as I get older it might become a curse.
It’s a blessing because it’s taught me not to stop when a little something gets in my way, to not quit. As a kid, scrapes and bruises are things to be cherished. If you fall down, you get back up because if you don’t you’re going to miss part of the fun. As a teen, coaches tell you to play through it. When you do, you’ve taken one for the team. In the Army if you don’t pull your own weight, someone else is going to have to pull it for you. In the direst of circumstances this will get people injured or even killed.
This unwillingness to stop got me through plenty of physical and mental challenges. In high school, I excelled at sports and was recognized for my toughness. In the Army, I exceeded expectations and was recognized as a leader. In college, everything that could go wrong did. It would have been the easiest thing in the world to drop out and I doubt that anyone would have blamed me. Still, after many stops and starts I made it through.
However, now that I’m older, I worry that this mentality is going to cause me some kind of permanent physical disability. For example, will my wrist now develop arthritis when I get older? What about the ankle I seriously sprained a few years ago?
After first injuring it and being mostly unable to stand I finished out the match…what could I do, there’s no other goalie. I stayed off it for a game, which gave it two weeks rest but it did little good. While warming up for the next match I took a shot to the ankle and collapsed in agony. Yes, the game hadn’t even started yet.
So, I think I’m going to give the wrist a little break from lifting weights. I’ll keep playing Frisbee and soccer and try to avoid moving it the way I move it that makes it hurt. Hopefully in another few days the pain will subside and I’ll be able to carry my bike up the stairs again. If not…I probably still keep playing. After all, I’ll be taking one for the team.
Monday, October 26, 2009
Unlike his other book “If Chins Could Kill, Confessions of a B-Movie Actor” this is a piece of fiction which sees a fictional Campbell cast as one of the main actors in a big money romantic comedy. The fictional movie, “Let’s Make Love,” is being directed by Oscar-winning director Mike Nichols and stars Richard Gere and Rene Zellwegger.
Campbell fears that he’s not prepared to work with such luminaries so he goes to extreme lengths to prepare for his role as a wise, Southern doorman.
Of course, everything that can go wrong does. Through his own ineptitude and bad luck something as simple as learning how to be a doorman, results in Campbell tackling former Secretary of State Colin Powell, starring in a pornographic movie, getting shot in an old fashioned pistol duel, playing catch with John Dillinger’s penis and so on.
It’s all rather wacky but it is enjoyable. Campbell is an average writer but more importantly, he’s slapstick funny and very personable. Reading the book is almost like sitting down for a beer with him and having him tell you about all the stuff that can go wrong on a B-movie. Who wouldn’t love that?
The horror factor is nil, but the Campbell factor is high which makes “Make Love” a quick enjoyable read.
Friday, October 23, 2009
Great question!
Seems that human feces, erections, on screen sexual penetration, graphic violence towards children, children in obscene onscreen sexual situations and graphic violence presented too realistically are still taboo, but the Motion Picture Association of America is a fickle beast.
For example, in 1999 they slapped the Oscar-winning "Boy's Don't Cry" with an NC-17 because a woman had an onscreen orgasm that was too long. This seems like an odd thing to focus on when the movie also features the graphic rape and then shooting of the main character.
But I digress, most of the above taboos have already been smashed outside of mainstream torture porn productions. As early as the late 1700s, The Marquis De Sade was writing pornographic novels featuring pederasty, coprophagy and the killing of children (if I remember correctly, in"120 Days of Sodom"; a baby is skewered on a pike and then tossed into a fire). Today you can find similar writings on Amazon in the form of Splatterpunk. Eli Roth has nothing on these guys and gals.
Independent unrated horror movies aren't far behind. The first torture porn guru had to be Herschell Gordon Lewis who started torturing topless women in the late 60's. Although, the gore was cheesy the scenes were quite graphic and the camera didn't turn away as knives, pliers and other implements pierced, sawed and gouged human flesh in extended and grotesque detail. He paved the way for other nastiness: coprophagic "Salo"; dismembering "Flowers of Flesh and Blood"; nipple slicing "New York Ripper"; metal pipe erection sex "Nekromatik"; necrophilac "Aftermath", and the rape filled "August Underground." Neither James Wan nor Rob Zombie want to touch what these freaks above have done.
So back to the question, how far will torture porn go? I think mainstream torture porn has almost gone as far as it possibly can. The MPAA seems pretty friendly to the captivity and torture of women but, for better or worse, I don't think they'll let it go much further than they already have. Maybe they'll open up a bit on the torture of men, perhaps a more audibly shocking off-camera genital mutilation or a bit more extreme male on male rape. Again, for better or worse, I can also see them allowing a bit more violence and sexual victimization towards children but not by very much.
The indies however, again for better or worse, will just keep pushing as long as there is an audience for their goods.
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Crying like a big baby
Lie, tell them you cheated on them 5,000 times and every time was better than anything you ever did with them. Tell them you’re a government agent who is being sent on a secret mission to Mars and you’ll never be seen nor heard from ever, ever again. Tell them you have the HERP and don’t want to get them sick. Tell them you’re joining the priesthood or becoming a nun.
Tell them the truth, they are far too fat, thin, ugly, handsome, rich, poor, drunk, sober, unmotivated, motivated, tall or short…whatever.
That being said, a few posts ago I said the experience was not a learning one; it obviously was.
What I’ve learned leads me to ask if I’ve ever told a dumpee that I didn’t love them. I can’t recall all the specifics to the end of every relationship, seems I may have come close with Lady Deutschland and Lady E, but if I ever said this or intimated it…I’m sorry. Really, really sorry. I loved all of you in someway.
On the subject of relationships that have ended, in these here modern times I feel that it’s way harder to just up and forget about someone because of all the ways we have of communicating. Tweets, texts, facebook statuses, e-mails, instant messages, Youtube videos, blogs, message boards, online photo galleries and so on. Back in the day, you could just cut the faces of your ex out of group photos and erase their number off the autodial on your spiffy new non-rotary phone. If they sent you a letter, you could fire up the BBQ and burn that and anything else they may have given you. It was easy!
It’s a lot harder to burn a digital footprint. I’ve yet to remove Lady X’s e-mail address from my Yahoo account so every time we’re both logged on she pops up in the stupid instant message window as a little yellow smiley face. When I see the little smiley I immediately begin crying like a big baby. That’s not true…okay maybe I cry a little, but that’s not the point. The point is that it does get me thinking about her which is not conducive to forgetting about her.
Just fixed that…erased the Youtube movies I had of her and deleted her name from my e-mail. Here’s to moving on:
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
When it’s like this I trade my regular bike ride to work for a light rail ticket. It keeps me dry and sometimes I find a little bit of god.
This morning I had a rather lengthy “stranger waiting for the train” conversation with a Jehovah’s Witness. I must admit his opening was pretty good.
Him: Going to work?
Me: Yup.
Him: While you’re waiting…
At this point he handed me a small brochure. On the front there is an illustration of a smiling man and woman in an idyllic mountain field. They’re surrounded by plump pumpkins, bright red apples and flowers. Behind them is a two story log cabin and a large moose. Yes, a moose. The moose really draws the eye because he’s right smack dab in the middle and he’s the biggest thing in the picture.
Anyway enough with the moose, the top of the brochure reads “All Suffering SOON TO END!”
Him: What do you think about that?
Me: That be great!
Him: Wouldn’t it be. What do you think causes all the suffering in the world?
Me: Greed.
Him: Funny you should say that, in chapter so and so of so and so…(flips open a well worn bible protected in a spiffy black leather case.)
He goes on to tell me that greed is one of the reasons the world, as we know it, is going to end in the very near future.
Okay…Wait, what? The world is going to end!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!
I mean come on, the end of the world is a scary thing. It seems odd to sell a religion like you would sell a fallout shelter.
Salesman: Nuclear war is right around the corner my friend.
Me: Really? Wow, umm…how can you be so sure?
Salesman: You don’t want your family to die an agonizingly painful irradiated death, cooked flesh hanging from their bleached white bones, do you?
Me: HOLY CRAP! Give me 10 of those shelters and throw in a couple of those water purification systems.
Great strategy for getting someone to buy something, but it’s dirty pool. I guess that’s another reason I’ve never been turned on to religion, the fearmongering.
Anywho, saw “Zombieland” the other day, fun movie. It doesn’t try to imitate the masterful “Shaun of the Dead” which everyone seemed worried about. Instead it does its own thing and has fun with it.
I leave you with a Paul Krugman essay, a little ditty that illustrates how the GOP is going batshit fucking crazy.
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
I’ve been surprised how anxious Lady X not loving me has made me. However, it’s not so much about her, it’s about me. I’m anxious about never being loved. I supposed this is a normal fear after the collapse of a relationship and is ridiculous or is it?
Anyway, I don’t want to make this blog about…Shit, just heard that an earthquake has hit Indonesia, one of the countries Lady X is visiting on her vacation. She focused on Bali which is far to the east of the where the quake actually hit, a place called Pendang. Still, I don’t know her exact itinerary. I’ve tried to contact someone else who knows her to see if they know exactly where she was headed and when.
Just heard back, the mutual friend believes she isn’t in Indonesia yet. Good.
I was going to write about the beginning of this Fall’s Ultimate Frisbee season, but that will have to wait because I just got back from my second day of playing in a week and I need to shower.
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Well, it turns out the gift was too good. Yes, too good. The day after giving it to her she broke my heart again. It seems that after getting the heartwarming gift she realized, yet again, that she wasn’t as vested in the relationship as me. Yet again, she told me I wasn’t the one and that she had “really tried to love me” but she just couldn’t make it happen.
This time she left little doubt that this was it, the end, the finale, the conclusion, the denouement. Her words and the fact that even as I post this she’s zooming across the Pacific Ocean to spend two weeks in Thailand with an ex-boyfriend lead me to believe that she’s probably right.
In reality I saw it coming. After 5 months of dating she never told me she loved me and she let it be know on numerous occasions that she had always pictured herself marrying rich. Add to that that her past boyfriends include doctors, lawyers, the great looking cop and politicians and her breaking up with a “great guy” like myself no longer seems like such a stretch.
The whole big bag of shit pretty much leaves me with that…shit. At 35, this isn’t a learning experience; I already know that women find good looking, successful men more attractive. It’s also not an invitation to better things, unless better things include alcoholism and Internet pornography.
Speaking of which…
Friday, September 18, 2009
Saw “District 9” with my Dad a week or so after it came out. Awesome! Definitely worth seeing on the big screen. Great story, superb acting, exciting, fresh and even moving. Very well done.
In other news, another scumbag politician was outed recently. Appears Republican Mike Duvall of Orange County was sharing the down and dirty of his sexual exploits during a committee hearing while his microphone was on. Oh, and they weren’t with his wife but two lobbyists. Oops! Like the Slick Willy-Monica Lewinsky fiasco there are some who still believe that cheating by elected officials is a private matter to be handled between the husband and the wife. I still disagree.
I’ll attempt to set aside my disgust for lecherous adulterers and their total lack of honor and respect so that I can make a sane argument as to why it’s important actions like this are publicized.
A cheating elected official does not just break trust with his spouse but also with his constituency. To get elected, he (I’ll use the masculine because I’ve yet to hear of a female politician doing this) knowingly presents voters with a fanciful façade of himself. Voters, liking what they see, vote him into office or in other words hire him to represent them in very, very important matters. The job he’s hired to do requires him to be honest, intelligent and honorable.
When he is found to be cheating on his wife it’s revealed that he’s lied on his resume and that he no longer meets the requirements for the job he was hired for. Hence he should be thrown out of office on his ass.
Look, I wouldn’t knowingly hire Bernie Madoff to invest my money, nor Michael Vick to watch my pets. I also wouldn’t hire a liar and a cheat to make political decisions concerning my best interests.
Anyway here’s a little Internet joy, Bat Fight starring Will Ferrell.
Thursday, August 13, 2009
G.I. The Loudest American Hero
What stood out for me most is that the movie was loud…very, very loud. By far it was the loudest movie I have ever seen. Automatic weapons fire, laser pings, crashing cars, exploding bombs, falling buildings, screaming people, clashing swords, breaking glass, it was all there in ear splitting surround sound. Even my Dad, who is an action movie junkie, was bothered by the blare.
Still, it didn’t keep him from thoroughly enjoying himself. After all, it had guns, karate, and big breasted women in tight clothing. I think we were only 10 minutes in before he said something about the female leads needing to take their clothes off. Yeah, he’s “that” guy.
Anyway, I’m rambling today, there is no story, the plot is ridiculous, the acting is crap, the dialogue is worthless and there is not a shred of humanity throughout the entire piece. (There are so many unseen civilian casualties I have no doubt that the whole Joe Team would easily be convicted of war crimes.) However, the explosions the civilians die in are pretty damn cool.
In short, the movie is big, dumb, LOUD but fun. This is mostly due to the excellent pacing. It rumbles from one action scene to the next like Godzilla stomping through Tokyo . You don’t really care who lives or who dies, if the hero gets the girl or if Snake Eyes talks. Instead, you get this kind of blood lust where and the only thing that’s important is seeing what the director will blow up, smash or mangle next.
Friday, August 7, 2009
For the love of lady X
So Woman X and I have been together for about the last 2 months. We’ve dated, went on a small vacation together, had a very healthy sex life and I believe seen each other exclusively. In my eyes she’s given the impression that she’s very much enjoyed what we have. She’s been in constant contact, says she worries about me if I don’t wear my bike helmet (a small sample of how she has illustrated that she cares about me) and has had unprotected sex with me numerous times. We’ve shared stories about our families, our pasts and talked about our futures. It has been much more intimate than other girls I’ve seen off and on or that I have enjoyed the friends with benefits situation with. To me, she’s given every impression of us being a couple, as a matter of fact, just the other day in front of a mutual friend I described X as a woman I was “seeing” and the friend insisted that X and I were a couple.
This evening X told me that she didn’t want us, as a couple, to be exclusive. She’s still on…fuck, I can’t remember what Internet dating service it is…but she says she has no plans to leave it but would still like to “date” me. Furthermore, she says that she’s not sure I’m the “one” and that she still needs the freedom to try to discover who the “one” might be.
I’d be cool with that if X was an inexperienced dater, but she’s no wallflower. If I was to judge by her own admissions, I’d say that she’s had a very active dating life. She’s shared stories about how she’s dated doctors, politicians and police officers and a bit about the sexual and emotional relationship she’s had with each. In my opinion, X has had a front row seat to many relationships that haven’t worked out for one reason or another.
Emotionally, I’m at a loss. I really don’t feel that I can make some grandiose Will-like statement on why this happened. Oh, plenty of theories run rampant in my head but…well, I’m just not ready yet to paint X as the bad guy. She may truly be confused or…well, whatever…
Sunday, August 2, 2009
Potter again
Don’t get your panties in a bunch yet! Before I start bitching, I want to praise what were some very strong aspects of the film.
The acting is great, and I’m not just talking about the secondary players like Jim Broadbent, Robbie Coltrane, Maggie Smith and Alan Rickman. They’ve always been awesome and could be considered one of the greatest ensembles ever assembled. Instead, it’s the “kids” that blew me away. They’ve matured well, sharpened their acting chops and have truly made the characters their own. For example, in the earlier movies all Rupert Grint had to do to play Ron Weasly was make funny faces and pretend to be scared of everything. Here he shows a full range of emotions, but more importantly he really nails his comedic timing. His scenes are far and away the best in the movie.
The Quiditch scenes are the best yet. It’s like you’re flying along on your own broom, dodging bludgers and trying to avoid cheating Slytherin players. It’s the little things you can see that really make it worthwhile. Players grab at one another, can be seen shifting their balance from one side of their brooms to other and best yet, CRASHING! Very cool and very exciting.
The special effects are fantastic. Not much to say here as it should be what the viewer expects. They’re realistic, tangible, cold when they should be and hot when it’s appropriate. Very well done.
Okay, on to the bad.
Story. Anyone who has read the novel knows that this book is kind of one big set-up for the finale. However, that being said, there are some very important and enlightening scenes that take place that really make the world and the characters realistic for the reader. While they may not come to much in the endgame, they’re why the books are so well loved.
Unfortunately, the movie leaves these scenes out for scenes that amount to even less in the grand scheme of things. They reveal little, add little and are boring, which brings me to my second point…
Pacing. The pacing in this film is awful. It drags with beautiful but pointless scenery, repetitive dialogue and…well basically, it’s filled with long scenes about things the watcher doesn’t really give a crap about. For the record, very uninteresting things that people don’t care about make for a bad cinematic experience.
Last and probably the most grievous mistake takes place in the Finale. Oh wait, what finale? Get it? You won’t get it in the theatre either.
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
I've written the first 500 or so words for my newest story!! Now I just have to keep it up.
Anyway, I'm on my way to see the new Harry Potter movie with my Mom and Dad. Will give short review tomorrow.
Monday, July 27, 2009
Just do it
If I don't may the devil fill my ass with red hot coals and slather my in a nice honey glaze when I get down there.
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Universal Truths that only I seem to know
I’m not sure why, but there seems to be a handful of Universal Truths that only I know. In an attempt to remedy this here they are, in no particular order:
1. Julia Roberts is not attractive.
2. Reading a comic book is considered reading.
3. It’s important for people to have hobbies and to spend time alone enjoying them.
4. Crocs, the plastic shoe/sandal things, are hideous.
5. “How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days” is the worst movie ever made.
6. You can learn life skills playing Dungeons and Dragons.
7. Robin Williams is extremely creepy.
8. It’s fun to play board games.
9. Visible thong underwear is not attractive.
10. Listening to National Public Radio will keep you well informed.
11. Being oblivious to the world around you is dangerous and will cost you and possibly the rest of the world in the long run.
12. Sooner or later people become slaves to the things they own.
13. Men should not have smooth hairless bodies. Some grooming is good, too much and you’re a narcissistic asshole.
14. Automobiles are more dangerous than guns and we treat them like toys.
15. Introspection is the most important step in improving oneself.
16. The smell of one’s own farts is comforting.
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Stimulate me baby
This part of the package is aimed at increasing the number of workers in the field of social services. Again, money will be funneled into scholarships and school programs that focus on social work, i.e. school councilors, drug and alcohol abuse councilors, child protective services workers, prisoner rehabilitation specialists and so on. Like the healthcare stimulus the ultimate goal is to get services to everyone who needs them. Feeling unusually down at school, there are always school councilors available. Experienced a period of rage aimed at your child last night, a councilor at your hospital takes walk-ins.
There are currently too many forgotten people in our country. They are the addicts, the homeless, the hungry, the hopeless, sometimes the lazy and the mentally ill and more often than not they end up costing the country a lot of money. Since they have no insurance they use emergency rooms for healthcare, they end up in jail, they live off of disability payments and welfare but most vexing it is these forgotten who become criminals. It’s the lady with untreated schizophrenia that stabs a stranger in downtown Sacramento , the hopeless and depressed teen who takes a gun to school and kills 4 classmates and so on. By reaching out and helping the lost instead of following our current course of inaction, it’s my hope that we can save money and save lives.
Up next…Education Stimulus
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Social Stimulus Interruption
I’ve been cruising the conspiracy theory site Above Top Secret for awhile and the gun rights advocates there have got me thinking.
The site is filled with very vocal gun owners who are radically opposed to any type of gun control. Any political thread introduced to the site, be it about the economy or congress, is fair game for the Second Amendment to be brought up. And lately it has been brought up a lot, with New World Order, One World Government, Obama the Socialist theorists frantically posting about any perceived threat.
I’d blame it all on site members but I’ve seen the same anti-regulation vigor in numerous other places. Most famous would be the late Charlton Heston’s proclamation that he’d only relinquish his gun after he was dead.
What is it about guns that inspires such passion in some Americans?
That brings me to another question which delves slightly deeper into the one above, what is it about gun ownership that has caused it to become so intrinsically linked to being American and to the freedoms that we are guaranteed?
Monday, April 6, 2009
Social Stimulus
Anyway, in thinking about all the money flying around I couldn’t help but question where else it could be used. Hence, I’d like to introduce the Will's Social Stimulus Package!
Here’s how it works, money we dumped in banks and lending institutions will instead be used on people. This social spending will ultimately result in a better educated and more responsible populace and a more stable economy that is based in social service and not irresponsible consumption.
We begin the package with a focus on healthcare, starting with more doctors and nurses. Money will be funneled into medical schools and scholarships for students pursuing careers in the world of healthcare. Students will be encouraged to intern in neighborhood clinics, schools and social service centers. The ultimate goal of this package is having enough doctors and nurses that anyone in need of medical attention is able to get it at a variety of different locales. Public schools will have a nurse on duty at all times, if a workplace has over 200 people at a site they’ll be encouraged to have a doctor or nurse visit once a month or even more often and grocery stores and drug stores that have clinics will see some kind tax incentive.
I’m convinced that this healthcare stimulus will also lower healthcare costs by providing more supply thus meeting all the demand. Sure, drugs and treatment will still be expensive but not as much so because we’ll have eliminated examples like this which increase everyone’s insurance premiums.
Up next…Social Service Stimulus
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
NWO marching on!
My response:
Dude, it’s talk like that that’s going to get you and your family thrown in one of those FEMA camps!
Yeah, I’ve seen most of this already. Pretty interesting and very well done and I have got to give Alex Jones props. Unlike so many other conspiracy theorists he doesn’t just pimp his books and movies for money. Instead, he’s out there on the “frontlines” raising hell.
Still, I can’t get behind the whole One World Government conspiracy for a few reasons:
- Those behind the OWG killed President Kennedy, but they can’t kill Alex Jones or Ron Paul?
- Those behind the OWG must not be too bright. After orchestrating the 9-11 terrorist attacks they had a nation, I’d actually say most of the world, ready to follow President Bush into the bowels of hell and back. Americans would have goose-stepped into FEMA camps and cheered as the government declared martial law. Instead we were urged to shop. Any group that can’t take advantage of a situation like that can’t be too dangerous.
- According to conspiracy theorists the OWG group is in total support of the North American Union. If President Obama is their puppet, it seems rather odd that his administration put the kibosh on Bush’s cross-border trucking program and that they’ve hyped a new “Buy American” movement in his new budget.
- I have never heard a logically sound explanation for what the OWG is ultimately after. Alex Jones says that they want power, but don’t they have nearly unimaginable power already? They can buy and sell nations, collapse economies and I really don’t think it would be a stretch to say that they can kill with impunity. What more is there? Alex Smith and many OWG theorists talk about the OWG’s shadowy links to Satanism or some quasi-Egyptian religion. Umm, yeah…that’s just silly.
- What is a OWG going to do with China , India and Pakistan ? Why did they let them become world economic powers in the first place? Wouldn’t they have been more controllable if kept peasant farmers? What about Saudi Arabia , Israel , Iran and other places driven more by religious dogma than maximum profit?
- If I remember correctly, there are about 90 guns for every 100 citizens in the United States . The OWG folks should have nipped that in the bud a little earlier.
Anyway, that’s just a few things to think about. I’m much more worried about our more concrete problems: sky rocketing national debt, bank failure, lost nuclear material, punks shooting cops in Oakland , Mexico ’s encroaching drug war, and so on.
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Time enough for Harry Potter
I was a bit disappointed with it, but that’s not a surprise as I was never as in to them as the rest of the family. The first few books were definitely aimed at children and it was pretty easy to see what was coming. Still, they were fun and enjoyable. The middle books were my favorite, as they had some definite character growth and they slowly became darker as Potter’s world became more dangerous. The last one though just had so many Dues Ex Machina plot moments it was distracting. How many times can Harry and his pals be saved by invisible ultra-powerful benefactors…apparently, quite a few.
Overall, I had one big problem with the series, the physics and infrastructure don’t make any sense. The books focus a lot on the actual workings of what they call the “wizarding world” and by inviting us into these aspects of the world were forced to examine them and they are found lacking. Spells that are introduced in one book aren’t ever mentioned in the previous volumes. Extremely important points are forgotten from book to book and the citizens of Harry’s world are more illogical then anything you’d find in the real world. The plots raise so many questions that never have answers. Are their leaders elected? How much power does a wizard actually have? Why don’t wizards use computers? Why don’t wizards cure cancer? Does every country have wizards? Do they fall under the control of the wizarding leaders in Harry’s area?
However, they are children’s books set in a fantasy world so I’m probably an idiot for having so many questions.
Thursday, February 12, 2009
The Curious Case of Benjamin Button: This is a pretty good movie but it reminded me way too much of “Forest Gump” and “Big Fish.” Too bad it wasn’t as good as either of those. Button is a little long for my tastes and since I already knew how it was going to end, how could anyone not, it’s a bit anticlimactic.
Oh, one last thing, Cate Blanchett is freaking gorgeous.
Doubt: This cast is crazy good. Phillip Seymour Hoffman, Meryl Streep, Amy Adams and Viola Davis loom like giants over their Hollywood brethren.
The movie was written and directed by the same person who wrote and directed the play of the same name. In a few areas this is blindingly obvious and, to be honest, I sometimes found these instances slightly annoying. I enjoy both movies and live performances but there are definite differences in how each is staged and acted. Sometimes when you stage a movie like a play or vice versa there is just something off putting about it and there were a few times in “Doubt” where I really noticed this.
Still, the movie is fantastic and well worth seeing. If you have seen it, did he do it or not?
Taken: I’d recommend skipping the first 30 minutes of this movie as it’s just poorly done exposition that stands in the way of Liam Neeson kicking major ass. Not since his turn as Rob Roy McGregor has he been this damn cool. (The ex-CIA agent he plays here would stomp a mud hole in any jedi’s ass.)
The action is very Jason Bourne, but this is a plus in my book. Kick ass!
Slumdog Millionaire: This movie is fantastic. It’s well acted, edgy and inventive. The camera work is utterly stunning. So much so, that I’d give it the Academy Awards for Best Movie, Best Director and Best Cinematography based solely on that.
I’m really not sure what else to say about it, except you should immediately go see it so that you can catch it on the big screen. If you don’t, you’ll regret it when you accidently catch it on cable.
Friday the 13th (Remake): I went with a buddy who reviews movies for an indie newspaper to see this, so I got in to the sneak peak for free.
I guess you know what to expect when you go into a movie like this. A remake of a slasher classic by the makers of slickly cut pop music videos. It’s glossy, vapid, and doesn’t make a lick of sense which is bad. But on the other hand, it’s vapid, bloody and filled with boobies galore which is good.
The oddest thing about this movie isn’t how quiet a 400 pound killer wearing work boots can be, but that it’s pretty blatantly racist. I’d be curious if any one else feels the same way, but I know that pretty much everyone I know will never see this movie. I guess I’ll have to take my thoughts to the Internet Movie Database and bounce them around there.
See this if you liked many of the new horror movie remakes, if not, skip it.
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
It's the end of the world as we know it: PART II
Jones believes that the New World Order is made up of Satanists, Occultists and Demon worshippers whose goal is to enslave the world. Once we’re enslaved I guess they’ll be worshipped like gods and be able to do what they want…but didn’t/don’t they already? To measure “power” you need to quantify a few areas including wealth, military and influence.
According to a 2006 United Nations report, the richest 1 percent of the world own 40 percent of its wealth. These wealthy people mostly live in the US, Japan, the UK and France. They can buy and sell you and I, but more importantly they can buy and sell entire nations.
A 2007 report from the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute shows that the US, UK, France, Japan and China have the largest, strongest and most expensive armies in world, the US being the absolute strongest.
According to the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development the US, Germany, France, the UK and Japan provide the most aid in raw dollars in foreign assistance. The US gives the most (but is way behind the rest of the pack when it comes to the amount of our Gross National Product donated).
So, it looks like the rich people (some of whom belong to this Satan worshipping club) live in the strongest and most influential nations in the world. That sounds like massive power to me. The only thing they might not be able to do is sacrifice a child to their master every now and then. Oh wait, did you say that on average 800,000 missing children are reported to American law enforcement each year? Hmm, maybe it’s just that they can’t do it during primetime television.
Why Now?
Supposedly, the New World Order’s plan to enslave the world will soon come to fruition. President Obama’s cult of personality and the worldwide financial crisis they orchestrated will allow them to manipulate the majority of the earth’s populace, turning us into good citizens. After all, we’re scared, we’re all behind the president and we’re all ready for change. So really, there has never been a better time…or has there?
In 2001, right after the terrorists attacked the United States by flying planes into the Twin Towers (another event that was orchestrated by the New World Order), President George W. Bush’s approval ratings were almost 90 percent. Ninety percent! That’s huge, and that’s just in our country. Internationally, countries were falling over themselves to aid us. Everyone, nationally and internationally, was scared and as such they were ready to join together and fight terror; most, looked to the United States and our leader George Bush and his army of Neocons to lead them. It’s important to remember that these Neocons, or new conservatives, were allied with the Project for the New American Century, a group which called for an American Empire that could be built by starting a war.
And we did. After the September 11 attacks, Democrats and Republicans overwhelmingly gave the president authorization to bring the fight to the terrorists wherever they may be. With international approval we hit the Taliban in Afghanistan and with the assistance of foreign troops pushed Osama Bin Laden and the “government” protecting him into the mountains bordering Pakistan.
Flash forward…President Barack Obama was put into office by about 52 percent of the US electorate. He beat McCain pretty handily, but it was far from a landslide. However, his popularity has only seemed to increase and now he has about a 70 percent approval rating. Still, even with the country in dire economic straits he recently couldn’t pull any Republicans in the House of Representative to support his economic stimulus package.
Do you see my point yet? If the NWO and/or the Reptilians wanted to enslave the world and eat our brains and sacrifice our children to their evil overlord they missed their chance. Although our current president is popular he has nothing on President Bush after September 11. Bush had the support of the Democrats, Republicans, the nation and the world. He could have closed the borders, gathered up all the guns and declared martial law and everyone would have cheered. YAY! He could have rallied the forces and stomped into the Middle East at the behest of his Reptilian masters...but he didn’t.
So, if the NWO exists they already have more power than anyone could ever wish for, but they are too stupid to know how to use it. I’m not too worried.
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
It's the end of the world as we know it: Part I
There are two big areas being mined for conspiracy theories these days: the approach of the year 2012, when many people believe the Mayan calendar predicts the world will end; and the election of President Barak Obama, who many people believe is the pawn of a secret group of world leaders often referred to as the New World Order.
The 2012 theory varies from conspiracy to conspiracy. Some see the end of the Mayan calendar, which is in and of itself debatable, as the Catholic Apocalypse. Others see a catastrophic event like a meteor hitting the earth, and some believe that it won’t be just a meteor but an entire planet colliding with us. It is said that astronomers are either silenced by the government or they can’t see the meteor/planet because it is behind our sun.
Conspiracy’s concerning President Obama revolve mostly around him being a pawn of the NWO and using his cult of personality to create a totalitarian state in much the same way Hitler did in Nazi Germany. Apparently with Obama in power, citizens will be stripped of their right to bear arms, a civilian police force will be created, martial law will be declared and our evil alien overlords will be allowed to feast on us like cattle. Okay, that last part is a bit of a joke…or is it?
Mr. David Icke, a one time footballer now rabid conspiracy theorist, believes that many of the world’s leaders, including Britain ’s late Queen Mother and George Bush are actually Reptoids. For those not in the know, Reptoids are reptilian beings from another galaxy that eat human flesh. On the subject of Icke, he’s sure that Obama and his “controllers” are pulling a fast one over on the world and that we’ll be goose-stepping and having our brains eaten by our Reptoid masters even before the 2012 comet reduces us to space dust.
Icke isn’t the only one convinced were heading towards certain doom. Well known warrior against the New World Order, Alex Jones is so sure he’s releasing a movie on the coming Obama nightmare. His thoughts mirror Icke’s, minus the carnivorous Reptoids, and end with rebellious citizens being imprisoned in concentration camps in Colorado . According to Jones, the children of our country are already being indoctrinated in ways similar to the Nazi youth movement.
Facts, theories and logic aside I’m left with two questions: “towards what end? and “why now?”
Thursday, January 22, 2009
California Dreaming
I am however still going to drop a note on politics, but on those that aren’t happening in the state. Yes, aren’t. The California legislature, the governor, the state controller, the attorney general, pretty much every elected state official currently in office has been unable to pass an emergency budget needed to keep the state fiscally solvent. Still, they’ve been huddled over a mediation table feverishly trying to hammer out an agreement that will save California …or have they.
Of course, they took off for at least a few weeks for the holidays. No big deal right. I mean firefighters would do the same if a raging wildfire fell over Christmas. Oh, and the main players, including the governor and the speaker, recently left for a week to visit DC. They took in the sites, attended the inauguration and hit up a few of the parties. Good for them, when I was in the military and I was confronted with a crisis but someone was throwing a really good party, I’d often hit up the party (especially if I thought the attendees might be people that could further my career).
But I’m going to be careful about blaming just our elected officials. I think they’re totally inept, selfish and lazy but our citizens aren’t that much better. State employees are getting ready to take a 10 percent pay cut, schools are looking at cutting their hours, colleges have sliced enrollment, and on and on. Still, in my department, we really haven’t been asked to find anyway to cut our costs. Instead, managers are angling to keep their perks like the student assistants that answer their phones and file their papers. We just had four brand new flatscreen televisions put up in our office. (We use them for work, but we already had regular televisions.) People on public assistance are marching around the state capital decrying possible cuts to their respective programs and then going home and watching premium cable that costs them $100 bucks a month.
So not only are we doing very little to help ourselves currently, I’m sure will continue to do the same when we, the citizens of California, vote these politicians that have been working so hard on our behalf, back into office.
I just saw this movie tonight. Maybe one of the scariest things I’ve ever seen!
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
Return of the FLY: Part II
I attempted to see where they were coming from but their entry point remained a mystery. It was as if they were appearing out of midair, a kind of Amityville Horror scenario in Sacramento.
I turned off the computer and chased flies for the rest of the night until I went to sleep around 9:30. In all I probably killed over 20 flies. Before hitting the sack, I turned the heat way down and all the lights off in the hopes that whatever they were attracted to in the room would no longer entice them.
It seemed to work, as I was able to sleep through the night and when I got up there were no flies.
That was true, until I got home from work the next day. Walking into my room I found about 6 of the fat bastards, sluggish from the cold, sitting on the walls and the ceiling. I was able to take tissues and kill them with a satisfying “Pop” and then I did another sweep of the house. Still no strange smells, bad food, dead things or open windows.
I killed another 10 flies before going to bed, again turning off all the lights and lowering the heat.
So I woke up this morning to a fly free room. I went to work like normal and when I came home there were another 5 of the fat bastards sluggishly sitting on the walls. I killed them and for a few minutes I sat here in peace. I was going to write that all was clear, but I just looked up and lo and behold there are another 5 flies on the ceiling around the light!!!! WHAT THE HELL!!!!! DIE BASTARDS!!!!!
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Return of the Fly: Part I
Yesterday evening I got home about 4:30 or so and did a few chores till around 7 when I decided to jump on the computer for a little World of Warcraft. Almost immediately a big, fat, black, fly flew by my head. He was all slow, I’m guessing from the cold, and was heading towards my ceiling lamp, I’m guessing to warm up.
Now, I haven’t seen a fly in my house for months and I was curious as to where this fat little bastard came from. Winter and a cold and fairly clean house don’t really add up to the optimal fly environment, but I didn’t think about it much, figuring that it had flown in from outside somehow.
Anyway, he flew towards the light (Not today bro!) and I jumped up and smacked him dead with a rolled up “Men’s Health” magazine. I then went back to the computer.
Not but a few minutes later I noticed another fat, black fly flying around being annoying and another already sitting on the ceiling near the lamp. Now I was beginning to think that something was wrong. I chased around the flies, killed them and then went and checked to see that all the windows were closed in the house and that there was nothing rotting somewhere. I mean, I’m a pretty clean guy but every once in a while I might leave something in the sink for too long. I’ve never left anything out long enough to get that disgusting, but I wanted to make sure, you know, just in case.
Well, the house was clean, the windows were closed and everything was looking pretty normal, but when I came back into my room there was another fly!