Friday, September 18, 2009


First post in ages, but I swear I really have been busy. I took a business trip to San Diego and it totally put me behind both at work and at home.

Saw “District 9” with my Dad a week or so after it came out. Awesome! Definitely worth seeing on the big screen. Great story, superb acting, exciting, fresh and even moving. Very well done.

In other news, another scumbag politician was outed recently. Appears Republican Mike Duvall of Orange County was sharing the down and dirty of his sexual exploits during a committee hearing while his microphone was on. Oh, and they weren’t with his wife but two lobbyists. Oops! Like the Slick Willy-Monica Lewinsky fiasco there are some who still believe that cheating by elected officials is a private matter to be handled between the husband and the wife. I still disagree.

I’ll attempt to set aside my disgust for lecherous adulterers and their total lack of honor and respect so that I can make a sane argument as to why it’s important actions like this are publicized.

A cheating elected official does not just break trust with his spouse but also with his constituency. To get elected, he (I’ll use the masculine because I’ve yet to hear of a female politician doing this) knowingly presents voters with a fanciful façade of himself. Voters, liking what they see, vote him into office or in other words hire him to represent them in very, very important matters. The job he’s hired to do requires him to be honest, intelligent and honorable.
When he is found to be cheating on his wife it’s revealed that he’s lied on his resume and that he no longer meets the requirements for the job he was hired for. Hence he should be thrown out of office on his ass.

Look, I wouldn’t knowingly hire Bernie Madoff to invest my money, nor Michael Vick to watch my pets. I also wouldn’t hire a liar and a cheat to make political decisions concerning my best interests.

Anyway here’s a little Internet joy, Bat Fight starring Will Ferrell.

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