Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Return of the FLY: Part II

I killed it. Then there was another. I killed that one to.

I attempted to see where they were coming from but their entry point remained a mystery. It was as if they were appearing out of midair, a kind of Amityville Horror scenario in Sacramento.

I turned off the computer and chased flies for the rest of the night until I went to sleep around 9:30. In all I probably killed over 20 flies. Before hitting the sack, I turned the heat way down and all the lights off in the hopes that whatever they were attracted to in the room would no longer entice them.

It seemed to work, as I was able to sleep through the night and when I got up there were no flies.

That was true, until I got home from work the next day. Walking into my room I found about 6 of the fat bastards, sluggish from the cold, sitting on the walls and the ceiling. I was able to take tissues and kill them with a satisfying “Pop” and then I did another sweep of the house. Still no strange smells, bad food, dead things or open windows.

I killed another 10 flies before going to bed, again turning off all the lights and lowering the heat.

So I woke up this morning to a fly free room. I went to work like normal and when I came home there were another 5 of the fat bastards sluggishly sitting on the walls. I killed them and for a few minutes I sat here in peace. I was going to write that all was clear, but I just looked up and lo and behold there are another 5 flies on the ceiling around the light!!!! WHAT THE HELL!!!!! DIE BASTARDS!!!!!

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