Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Return of the Fly: Part I

I was going to write a movie review concerning “The Curious Case of Benjamin Button” (it’s pretty good, but not great) but instead the freakish, haunted house kind of thing that happened last night demands attention.

Yesterday evening I got home about 4:30 or so and did a few chores till around 7 when I decided to jump on the computer for a little World of Warcraft. Almost immediately a big, fat, black, fly flew by my head. He was all slow, I’m guessing from the cold, and was heading towards my ceiling lamp, I’m guessing to warm up.

Now, I haven’t seen a fly in my house for months and I was curious as to where this fat little bastard came from. Winter and a cold and fairly clean house don’t really add up to the optimal fly environment, but I didn’t think about it much, figuring that it had flown in from outside somehow.

Anyway, he flew towards the light (Not today bro!) and I jumped up and smacked him dead with a rolled up “Men’s Health” magazine. I then went back to the computer.

Not but a few minutes later I noticed another fat, black fly flying around being annoying and another already sitting on the ceiling near the lamp. Now I was beginning to think that something was wrong. I chased around the flies, killed them and then went and checked to see that all the windows were closed in the house and that there was nothing rotting somewhere. I mean, I’m a pretty clean guy but every once in a while I might leave something in the sink for too long. I’ve never left anything out long enough to get that disgusting, but I wanted to make sure, you know, just in case.

Well, the house was clean, the windows were closed and everything was looking pretty normal, but when I came back into my room there was another fly!

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