Saturday, August 16, 2008

Turned down but not off

So I got turned down again by someone I get along really well with. No problem, as I wasn’t romantically attached but that’s not the end of it because she keeps calling me and inviting me to events. I appreciate that and I always have a great time but I’m betting dollars to doughnuts that when a new guy comes along I’ll be tossed aside like yesterdays ham sandwich. Not that she’d be intentionally cruel mind you. It’s just what happens in male/female friendships, a woman in a romantic relationship with a man cannot have a male for a best friend and vice-versa. Like putting your brain into a robot body, there is just something about it that goes against the natural order.

Now, here’s where the problem arises. The more I invest in our friendship the more disappointment I’ll experience when she does find someone. Does this sound right? Should I do my best to avoid her? Should I just forget about it, have fun now and be disappointed when I’m kicked to the side?

Speaking of relationships or lack thereof, I’ve been focusing way too much on the idea lately. Maybe it’s the news of a past girlfriend’s pregnancy or the whole getting turned down thing, but I’ve been dwelling on my lack of prospects and questioning myself.

My prospects at the moment are jack and shit and jack just left town. It’s not that I’m a shut-in and am just not putting myself out there. I play one sport all year round and another a few months out of the year. I go out with friends at least once a week, work out at a gym and live in downtown Sacramento which is a hot bed of young ladies. Still, the river runs dry and I think the main reason is my age.

At 34, most of my friends and acquaintances are married or in long term relationships, the majority of my co-workers are over 40 and most of the ladies I run into while I’m out and about are under 30.

So I either need to find a married lady who likes to swing, an older lady who likes younger men or young lady who like older guys.

Today's link goodness:


Jan Mendoza said...

Well I think that if you were more like this guy... you'd have the ladies lining UP!

Will said...

Hey, that guy stole my "robot boob grabber" dance move!