Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Sometimes you feel like you know someone

So I was messing around on the Internets a few days ago and decided to see if I could find an old friend.

Like everyone else (but me) he’s on Facebook but there was also something else, a video mentioned on a few sites done in cooperation with his church and posted earlier this year. The description mentioned “sanctity of life,” so I figured it for a church anti-abortion bit. It is, but it’s a bit more than that.

At first, I actually had a hard time determining if it was him. He’s gained a bit of weight in his face, he’s sporting a goatee and it appears he’s dying his hair jet black. Also, his voice is different. It was odd because I’d look at him talking on the recording and be sure it was him, and then I’d look back and have second thoughts. Anyway, it is him, the timeline fits, the location matches and he mentions his wife by name.

So the video is anti-abortion but specifically about the ONE, TWO, THREE abortions he pushed his high school girlfriends into!

Three?!?! Three?!?!

Now, this guy was no Lothario. It means nothing these days, but on the high school social ladder I wouldn’t hesitate to place him one or two steps below me. Don’t get me wrong I was nothing special, but besides being a Dungeons and Dragons playing comic reading geek, I played football and was captain of the wrestling team. He was a Dungeons and Dragons playing geek and a band geek. Although, he did begin running track his junior or senior year, not with any great success but it did keep him active which is good.

Now, I had always suspected that he had impregnated his first girlfriend during his junior year of high school. The girlfriend’s sister and her sister’s boyfriend hated him more than normal. (Of course, part of that was that he was three or four years her senior, but there was always a little extra spite in their eyes.)

Without a doubt the second and third abortions took place when he was dating his second girlfriend. It was probably his junior year and once again she was three or four years his junior and very immature.

Although I hung out with him all the time, I probably only met her two or three times. The first time, he invited another friend and I to her birthday party. We didn’t stay long as it was like going to a party for little girls three or four years younger than us. (Now three or four years isn’t that big of a deal once you’re over 25, but at 17 that means she’s 14 or 13 and the maturity gap is huge.) After that, I always got the feeling that he was embarrassed by her so he kept the two relationships separate.

I was pretty sure that he was diddling her. For one thing, he told me that sometimes he stayed the night at her house, and for another, it seemed that he could get both these early girlfriends to do anything he wanted them to. Just the way he talked about them made me think that he had them eating out of his hand. He was, after all, the cooler older guy.

He’s now a husband, the father of several girls and a man of the church; which is another thing I never saw coming. I hope he’s well, but damn three! And while I knew him! Or maybe, I never really did.

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