Been awhile since I updated, so here goes:
Went to a big beer festival last weekend , just gave my roommate a 30 day notice, shampooed by carpet and almost have a 70 Draenei Warrior in World of Warcraft.
More important than me though, if you can believe it, is the state of the country’s economy. I won’t pretend that I understand all that’s going on, actually I’m not sure anyone does, but I do know that it involves a $700 billion plan to bail out a few private banks and investment companies. Let me repeat that, $700 billion! Oh, and let me add, the money is yours and mine. Yes, it’s taxpayer dollars.
Some are saying that without the bail out plan the US is doomed, but is it really. The $700 billion will pretty much be used to buy up bad mortgages and loans that no one will buy. Will that change? Will they buy them when they are held by the government, a government that is already $9.7 trillion, yes trillion, in debt? This totally reminds me of the lipstick on a pig thing! It’s still junk, people!
What happens if we let these troubled banks and investment companies fail? I really don’t know. All that I can find when I ask this question is doom and gloom, but there must be someone out there who thinks differently, but I’ll be damned if I can find them. Both Republicans and Democrats are saying the bailout is necessary, with certain caveats, but they are still saying it’s necessary.
Is it?
Now I’m depressed but here is some clicky to make us happy:
Poor Will
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Thursday, September 18, 2008
The Breather: Part Duex
Heavy…no, very heavy breathing…strike two.
I’m not sure if The Breather currently smokes, smoked in the past, has emphysema, one lung or perhaps no lungs but he is the loudest breather I have ever heard in my entire life. It’s so loud that I can be running on the treadmill on the other side of the room with my headphones on and I can still hear each thunderous breath. It’s really hard to quantify but try the following and it will give an idea of what I’m talking about.
Find some free pornography on the Internet or load up your own secret stash you hedonist, turn your sound down to zero and begin counting alligator style: one alligator, two alligator, three alligator, four alligator and continue as such. Now on every even “alligator” turn your speaker sound up to about 6. Also, on every twentieth “alligator” skip the porn and let out a lung clearing hack of a cough at a decibel level approximately twice as loud as the porn playing in the background. You now are experiencing a bit of The Breather. But wait, that isn’t all.
Ghost walking…strike three.
The Breather starts his work out with a walk of about 2 minutes or so. He will then ramp up the treadmill so he is running between an 8 and 9 minute mile. The problem with this is that he can’t run an 8 to 9 minute mile. To cover this oversight in his exercise routine he runs a special way…a very special way. Every 45 seconds or so The Breather will pick himself up using the safety bars on the side of the treadmill so that he is barely touching the running surface that is blazing away underneath him. While doing this he will continue to do what I call ghost running: running in the air at a slower pace than the treadmill is actually going. He’ll ghost run for about 10 seconds and then allow himself to crash back down onto the treadmill making another horrendously loud and annoying noise.
This exercise routine seems to affect The Breather for sometime afterwards. The following is no horseshit, one day he was already at the gym when I arrived. I got as far away from him as I could and did my 30 minutes of cardio. I then headed into the locker room to change my shirt before doing my strength training when what do my poor ears hear but someone in the shower hacking like they’re trying to expel their stomach. It was The Breather.
Today’s Clicker:
This is so cool!!
I’m not sure if The Breather currently smokes, smoked in the past, has emphysema, one lung or perhaps no lungs but he is the loudest breather I have ever heard in my entire life. It’s so loud that I can be running on the treadmill on the other side of the room with my headphones on and I can still hear each thunderous breath. It’s really hard to quantify but try the following and it will give an idea of what I’m talking about.
Find some free pornography on the Internet or load up your own secret stash you hedonist, turn your sound down to zero and begin counting alligator style: one alligator, two alligator, three alligator, four alligator and continue as such. Now on every even “alligator” turn your speaker sound up to about 6. Also, on every twentieth “alligator” skip the porn and let out a lung clearing hack of a cough at a decibel level approximately twice as loud as the porn playing in the background. You now are experiencing a bit of The Breather. But wait, that isn’t all.
Ghost walking…strike three.
The Breather starts his work out with a walk of about 2 minutes or so. He will then ramp up the treadmill so he is running between an 8 and 9 minute mile. The problem with this is that he can’t run an 8 to 9 minute mile. To cover this oversight in his exercise routine he runs a special way…a very special way. Every 45 seconds or so The Breather will pick himself up using the safety bars on the side of the treadmill so that he is barely touching the running surface that is blazing away underneath him. While doing this he will continue to do what I call ghost running: running in the air at a slower pace than the treadmill is actually going. He’ll ghost run for about 10 seconds and then allow himself to crash back down onto the treadmill making another horrendously loud and annoying noise.
This exercise routine seems to affect The Breather for sometime afterwards. The following is no horseshit, one day he was already at the gym when I arrived. I got as far away from him as I could and did my 30 minutes of cardio. I then headed into the locker room to change my shirt before doing my strength training when what do my poor ears hear but someone in the shower hacking like they’re trying to expel their stomach. It was The Breather.
Today’s Clicker:
This is so cool!!
Monday, September 15, 2008
The Breather
So a few posts ago I went off about everyone getting healthy by heading to the gym and eating less. Well, I take it back. Please eat as little as you want but I’ve realized that not everyone should be allowed in the gym. Actually some people should only be allowed to exercise in an open field several miles away from any civilization. Case in point, “The Breather” who works out at the same YMCA I do.
The Breather is a middle-aged white guy approximately 5’10” and weighing in between 210 to 230 lbs. He’s a hairy fellow (not Robin Williams hairy but hairy enough that it’s hard not to notice) whose choice of exercise attire consists of a tight black tank-top, a pair of old white trainers and black bicycle shorts.
Bicycle shorts…strike one.
No man should ever wear bicycle shorts, or really any other type of skintight outfit, out in public for any reason. What about professional bicyclists, swimmers, divers and weight lifters you’re asking. I repeat, no man should ever wear any type of skintight outfit out in public for any reason. Listen, I can swim, lift weights, sprint, dive and ride a bike in good old regular athletic shorts. When I wrestled in high school I wore a singlet but in practice I wore shorts and a shirt and I still wrestled as well…or as bad as I did in the singlet. It’s a scientific fact that Bicycle shorts and other skintight apparel are bad for men and they make those around you uncomfortable.
The Breather likes to run on the treadmill. Now, it seems to me that running on the treadmill should be the exercise that is least annoying to other gym patrons. You just turn on the machine and there you go. There should be no shouting, grunting, groaning or touching of another gym patron and the area where you might actually leave a few drops of sweat is pretty limited. Apparently, the Breather would disagree.
To be continued….
Click here:
How do I do that?
So a few posts ago I went off about everyone getting healthy by heading to the gym and eating less. Well, I take it back. Please eat as little as you want but I’ve realized that not everyone should be allowed in the gym. Actually some people should only be allowed to exercise in an open field several miles away from any civilization. Case in point, “The Breather” who works out at the same YMCA I do.
The Breather is a middle-aged white guy approximately 5’10” and weighing in between 210 to 230 lbs. He’s a hairy fellow (not Robin Williams hairy but hairy enough that it’s hard not to notice) whose choice of exercise attire consists of a tight black tank-top, a pair of old white trainers and black bicycle shorts.
Bicycle shorts…strike one.
No man should ever wear bicycle shorts, or really any other type of skintight outfit, out in public for any reason. What about professional bicyclists, swimmers, divers and weight lifters you’re asking. I repeat, no man should ever wear any type of skintight outfit out in public for any reason. Listen, I can swim, lift weights, sprint, dive and ride a bike in good old regular athletic shorts. When I wrestled in high school I wore a singlet but in practice I wore shorts and a shirt and I still wrestled as well…or as bad as I did in the singlet. It’s a scientific fact that Bicycle shorts and other skintight apparel are bad for men and they make those around you uncomfortable.
The Breather likes to run on the treadmill. Now, it seems to me that running on the treadmill should be the exercise that is least annoying to other gym patrons. You just turn on the machine and there you go. There should be no shouting, grunting, groaning or touching of another gym patron and the area where you might actually leave a few drops of sweat is pretty limited. Apparently, the Breather would disagree.
To be continued….
Click here:
How do I do that?
Friday, September 12, 2008
So I tried a new recipe the other day, a Vegetable Bake.
I found it in the flyer for our local foods co-op and it sounded rather tasty. It is, but I have a problem with the preparation, not so much the act of preparation but the time entailed for preparation.
The recipe states that the dish has a prep time of 20 minutes. Not bad right? But, how can someone who isn’t a professional chef working with an assistant prepare the below in 20 minutes?
Wash and slice three summer squash, one bunch of parsley, a tomato and a bell pepper
Rinse a cup of brown rice
Peel and slice an onion
Grease a pan
Shred two cups of provolone cheese
Open a can of tomato paste
Crack two eggs
Open a container of cottage cheese
Measure out 1 TBS each of thyme, oregano and basil
Sauté the veggies and mix in the tomato paste
Cook the rice
Mix the eggs, cheese and parsley
Mix everything together and mush it into the pan
This, ladies and gentlemen, was a lot of work. Add to the above that I had to rinse and/or wash a knife, cutting board, two large bowls, a small bowl, a cheese grater, a wooden spoon, a spatula and a frying pan numerous times during the “20 minute” preparation.
I’m thinking the whole preparation process took me at least 45 minutes. It could just be that I’m a dumb@ass, it’s been suggested before. But, I’m guessing I’m a pretty standard case here.
So tell me, is 20 minutes enough time or is the professional chef who came up with this recipe just another in the long line of “experts” attempting to make me feel bad about myself?
Is Obama telling the truth? Did Palin really pose in a bikini while weilding an AK-47? Find out here.
I found it in the flyer for our local foods co-op and it sounded rather tasty. It is, but I have a problem with the preparation, not so much the act of preparation but the time entailed for preparation.
The recipe states that the dish has a prep time of 20 minutes. Not bad right? But, how can someone who isn’t a professional chef working with an assistant prepare the below in 20 minutes?
Wash and slice three summer squash, one bunch of parsley, a tomato and a bell pepper
Rinse a cup of brown rice
Peel and slice an onion
Grease a pan
Shred two cups of provolone cheese
Open a can of tomato paste
Crack two eggs
Open a container of cottage cheese
Measure out 1 TBS each of thyme, oregano and basil
Sauté the veggies and mix in the tomato paste
Cook the rice
Mix the eggs, cheese and parsley
Mix everything together and mush it into the pan
This, ladies and gentlemen, was a lot of work. Add to the above that I had to rinse and/or wash a knife, cutting board, two large bowls, a small bowl, a cheese grater, a wooden spoon, a spatula and a frying pan numerous times during the “20 minute” preparation.
I’m thinking the whole preparation process took me at least 45 minutes. It could just be that I’m a dumb@ass, it’s been suggested before. But, I’m guessing I’m a pretty standard case here.
So tell me, is 20 minutes enough time or is the professional chef who came up with this recipe just another in the long line of “experts” attempting to make me feel bad about myself?
Is Obama telling the truth? Did Palin really pose in a bikini while weilding an AK-47? Find out here.
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
E=mc2 by David Bodanis: Who would have thought that I would find a book about a scientific equation so interesting? However, I must admit that not only was it interesting but it was very exciting. Yes, a book about the world’s most famous equation is exciting!!!
Picture a small military raid, attempting to blow up a well guarded German military factory. A factory that is the only thing keeping the Germans in the race to build a nuclear bomb! Under the cover of night they ascend a cliff away from the searchlights and clip through the barbed wire fence surrounding the installation. They find and entrance and then once inside realize they are in no way carrying enough explosives to level the joint. What do they do? Do they succeed or are they tortured and killed like the group of soldiers that were sent before them? See, I told you it was exciting.
Sure, most of the book isn’t military raids. It is instead filled with interesting and enjoyable brief histories of smart people who in some way had a hand in Einstein’s equation. The stories they tell begin with the quantification of what motion is and continue on through gravity, mass, the speed of light and they finally end at the dreaded bomb.
Bodanis does a great job expelling science in language that even I can understand and he does a good job doing it. Anyone who likes science served up with a healthy dose of history and just a bit of adventure will enjoy this book.
Currently reading: Escape by Carolyn Jessop
She escaped from the FLDS where she married a 50-year-old at the age of 18 who had a couple wives and a whole bus full of kids, literally. Scary, very scary. Why would anyone in their right mind want to have more than one wife? And 34 children? Come on!
Link of the day:
She blinded me with science!!!
Picture a small military raid, attempting to blow up a well guarded German military factory. A factory that is the only thing keeping the Germans in the race to build a nuclear bomb! Under the cover of night they ascend a cliff away from the searchlights and clip through the barbed wire fence surrounding the installation. They find and entrance and then once inside realize they are in no way carrying enough explosives to level the joint. What do they do? Do they succeed or are they tortured and killed like the group of soldiers that were sent before them? See, I told you it was exciting.
Sure, most of the book isn’t military raids. It is instead filled with interesting and enjoyable brief histories of smart people who in some way had a hand in Einstein’s equation. The stories they tell begin with the quantification of what motion is and continue on through gravity, mass, the speed of light and they finally end at the dreaded bomb.
Bodanis does a great job expelling science in language that even I can understand and he does a good job doing it. Anyone who likes science served up with a healthy dose of history and just a bit of adventure will enjoy this book.
Currently reading: Escape by Carolyn Jessop
She escaped from the FLDS where she married a 50-year-old at the age of 18 who had a couple wives and a whole bus full of kids, literally. Scary, very scary. Why would anyone in their right mind want to have more than one wife? And 34 children? Come on!
Link of the day:
She blinded me with science!!!
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
My addiction
I haven’t forgotten to blog.
Instead I was an idiot and let my prescription for the medication I have lapse and I haven’t taken it for a few days. Now I’m going through withdrawal symptoms. These, unfortunately are making it nearly impossible to write.
I’m hoping I can score some pills today so I should be back in business tomorrow.
Things going on:
Finished E=mc2
Started Escape, the story of a woman who left a polygamous marriage in the FLDS
Shampooed the front room so I may actually be able to have people over again.
Instead I was an idiot and let my prescription for the medication I have lapse and I haven’t taken it for a few days. Now I’m going through withdrawal symptoms. These, unfortunately are making it nearly impossible to write.
I’m hoping I can score some pills today so I should be back in business tomorrow.
Things going on:
Finished E=mc2
Started Escape, the story of a woman who left a polygamous marriage in the FLDS
Shampooed the front room so I may actually be able to have people over again.
Thursday, September 4, 2008
The Mother of All Hockey Moms
Whoa! I listened to the Republican National Convention last night and I must say it scared me. Giuliani and Palin were out for blood and let nothing, including the truth get in the way of them thrashing their opponents and praising John McCain.
Now I don’t expect anything really important to be said at a convention, they’re mostly for rallying the troops, but I do expect them to be somewhat civil. Giuliani and Palin didn’t even come close. Baseless and hypocritical attacks that verge on the irresponsible are what I expect to read on poorly written blogs, not hear from a politician who wants to be vice-president.
Still the old white people in attendance really seemed to eat it up….which again scares me. The rising culture of mean spirited criticism that has risen with the anonymity of the Internet is not something I expect to be applauded at a political convention, unless of course that political convention is made up of barbarians or perhaps zombies. Then it would be okay.
What has pissed me off most during the RNC has been the calls by conservative politicians and pundits to “lay off” Palin and her family. Giuliani pinpointed what I’m talking about last night when he said, “how dare THEY question whether Palin will have enough time to spend with her children while vice president?” (I guess by “they” he is refereeing to bloggers because I have yet to hear a Democratic politician say anything resembling a snipe at Palin and her ability to mother.)
Listen guys, if I was to run around calling myself Will the Soccer Guy while always wearing shin guards, cleats and goalie gloves don’t you think people would begin asking questions about my soccer skills? These would be legitimate questions, just like the questions that might be asked about someone who champions herself as a “hockey mom,” continuously talks about her children and always puts them center stage.
Now, if I applied for a job to sell men’s suits I would expect the interviewer to ask me how much I knew about men’s suits including where they’re made, fit, quality, fabric and types of stitching. This would make sense, the same way it would make sense to question someone wanting to be vice-president about their foreign policy experience, their dealings with lobbyists and if they have ever used past positions for private reasons.
Turning away from the convention but not Mrs. Palin, I was asked if I did in fact think she was a good mother. Of course I have no way of knowing for sure, but from my point of view all signs point to no.
Now, I’m not sure of what to think about her returning to work 3 days after the birth of her youngest son. It sounds a little rushed and emotionally cold but that’s really hard for me to judge since I have never been a pregnant working mother. I’m also not sure of what to think about her 17-year-old daughter being pregnant. My questions around that would concern what, if anything, Palin told her daughter about sex and why her daughter didn’t listen. Still teens will be teens, but for better or for worse their actions do reflect on their parents.
Those issues aside, what leads me to guess that she’s probably not the best mother figure, is that she made her daughter the face of teen pregnancy for the entire country. Her daughter, Bristol , is now the butt of jokes, the subject of tabloids and the cause of town hall meetings. She’ll have to deal with what most people deal with in private on the public stage on which her mother knowingly put her. How did she feel when she read about her soon to be husband’s MySpace page that never mentions her and states that he doesn’t want kids? Will she think the Saturday Night Live skit about her is funny? What about the YouTube videos that are bound to lambast her? It really seems that Palin put herself before her daughter and that doesn’t read right in my book.
Random Web site:,0,2286826.story
Bobcats move in!
I couldn't resist giving a double post with more Palin goodness:
Now I don’t expect anything really important to be said at a convention, they’re mostly for rallying the troops, but I do expect them to be somewhat civil. Giuliani and Palin didn’t even come close. Baseless and hypocritical attacks that verge on the irresponsible are what I expect to read on poorly written blogs, not hear from a politician who wants to be vice-president.
Still the old white people in attendance really seemed to eat it up….which again scares me. The rising culture of mean spirited criticism that has risen with the anonymity of the Internet is not something I expect to be applauded at a political convention, unless of course that political convention is made up of barbarians or perhaps zombies. Then it would be okay.
What has pissed me off most during the RNC has been the calls by conservative politicians and pundits to “lay off” Palin and her family. Giuliani pinpointed what I’m talking about last night when he said, “how dare THEY question whether Palin will have enough time to spend with her children while vice president?” (I guess by “they” he is refereeing to bloggers because I have yet to hear a Democratic politician say anything resembling a snipe at Palin and her ability to mother.)
Listen guys, if I was to run around calling myself Will the Soccer Guy while always wearing shin guards, cleats and goalie gloves don’t you think people would begin asking questions about my soccer skills? These would be legitimate questions, just like the questions that might be asked about someone who champions herself as a “hockey mom,” continuously talks about her children and always puts them center stage.
Now, if I applied for a job to sell men’s suits I would expect the interviewer to ask me how much I knew about men’s suits including where they’re made, fit, quality, fabric and types of stitching. This would make sense, the same way it would make sense to question someone wanting to be vice-president about their foreign policy experience, their dealings with lobbyists and if they have ever used past positions for private reasons.
Turning away from the convention but not Mrs. Palin, I was asked if I did in fact think she was a good mother. Of course I have no way of knowing for sure, but from my point of view all signs point to no.
Now, I’m not sure of what to think about her returning to work 3 days after the birth of her youngest son. It sounds a little rushed and emotionally cold but that’s really hard for me to judge since I have never been a pregnant working mother. I’m also not sure of what to think about her 17-year-old daughter being pregnant. My questions around that would concern what, if anything, Palin told her daughter about sex and why her daughter didn’t listen. Still teens will be teens, but for better or for worse their actions do reflect on their parents.
Those issues aside, what leads me to guess that she’s probably not the best mother figure, is that she made her daughter the face of teen pregnancy for the entire country. Her daughter, Bristol , is now the butt of jokes, the subject of tabloids and the cause of town hall meetings. She’ll have to deal with what most people deal with in private on the public stage on which her mother knowingly put her. How did she feel when she read about her soon to be husband’s MySpace page that never mentions her and states that he doesn’t want kids? Will she think the Saturday Night Live skit about her is funny? What about the YouTube videos that are bound to lambast her? It really seems that Palin put herself before her daughter and that doesn’t read right in my book.
Random Web site:,0,2286826.story
Bobcats move in!
I couldn't resist giving a double post with more Palin goodness:
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Ohhh Baby!
This presidential election just gets better and better. Monday it was announced that vice-presidential nominee and Alaska Governor Sarah Palin’s 17-year-old daughter, Bristol , is five months pregnant.
Whoa! I didn’t see that coming, but honestly I’m not interested in the actual pregnancy, but more in the reaction to it by both sides.
Liberal bloggers were on the attack early, actually suggesting that Palin’s youngest son, Trig, is really Bristol ’s baby. Not the nicest thing to suggest, actually it’s quite despicable, but democrat/liberal mainstream talking heads pretty much ignored the rumors. With the truth that the 17-year-old daughter is knocked up it’s remained pretty much the same. Most aren’t slamming Palin or her daughter but are more interested in how conservatives/Republicans are reacting to the announcement.
And boy have they reacted, not with anger but with great happiness!?!? Yes, they are ecstatic! Republican politicians, pundits and convention goers see nothing wrong with Palin being a “family values” conservative who doesn’t want anything to do with explicit sex education programs even while Bristol is next door knocking boots with an 18-year-old Alaskan “redneck.” They’ve praised Palin, her daughter and the entire family for keeping the baby and rejoiced at the news that the two teens would marry in the very near future. One convention attendee was almost in tears as she described how this humanized Palin and plenty were disgusted by the media making the story a big deal.
(I still question whether this is really happening. All the media I have heard have been more interested in how this news was hitting the conservative electorate than in why Palin’s underage daughter was pregnant, but anyway…)
What’s struck me, is the shear hypocrisy of the whole business. “Personal lives are off limits” they say but Michelle Obama is scrutinized for not being the perfect wife, Slick Willy Clinton is impeached for his sexual shenanigans in the oval office and rumors are launched by Karl Rove and the Bush campaign during the 2000 election about Cindy McCain being a drug addict and her husband fathering a “BLACK” child.
Don’t get me wrong. It’s not just Republicans, Democrats are just as bad (although these things tend to hit Republicans much harder because they style themselves as the god-fearing, family values, personal responsibility, moral judges of the country).
So what is it guys, can I make personal attacks against my political rivals or not?
All the politics aside, I hope that the issue of teen pregnancy doesn’t get lost in the miasma of patriotic rhetoric. Teen pregnancy is a serious problem with massive consequences for the country. It’s one of the main causes of poverty and results in lower education levels and quality of life for both the mother and her child. With the issue currently on the main stage, the country has an excellent opportunity to expose it to the public and to actually explore the larger issue of sex education, contraceptives offered in schools and teen motherhood in general.
Sky Squid!!!
Whoa! I didn’t see that coming, but honestly I’m not interested in the actual pregnancy, but more in the reaction to it by both sides.
Liberal bloggers were on the attack early, actually suggesting that Palin’s youngest son, Trig, is really Bristol ’s baby. Not the nicest thing to suggest, actually it’s quite despicable, but democrat/liberal mainstream talking heads pretty much ignored the rumors. With the truth that the 17-year-old daughter is knocked up it’s remained pretty much the same. Most aren’t slamming Palin or her daughter but are more interested in how conservatives/Republicans are reacting to the announcement.
And boy have they reacted, not with anger but with great happiness!?!? Yes, they are ecstatic! Republican politicians, pundits and convention goers see nothing wrong with Palin being a “family values” conservative who doesn’t want anything to do with explicit sex education programs even while Bristol is next door knocking boots with an 18-year-old Alaskan “redneck.” They’ve praised Palin, her daughter and the entire family for keeping the baby and rejoiced at the news that the two teens would marry in the very near future. One convention attendee was almost in tears as she described how this humanized Palin and plenty were disgusted by the media making the story a big deal.
(I still question whether this is really happening. All the media I have heard have been more interested in how this news was hitting the conservative electorate than in why Palin’s underage daughter was pregnant, but anyway…)
What’s struck me, is the shear hypocrisy of the whole business. “Personal lives are off limits” they say but Michelle Obama is scrutinized for not being the perfect wife, Slick Willy Clinton is impeached for his sexual shenanigans in the oval office and rumors are launched by Karl Rove and the Bush campaign during the 2000 election about Cindy McCain being a drug addict and her husband fathering a “BLACK” child.
Don’t get me wrong. It’s not just Republicans, Democrats are just as bad (although these things tend to hit Republicans much harder because they style themselves as the god-fearing, family values, personal responsibility, moral judges of the country).
So what is it guys, can I make personal attacks against my political rivals or not?
All the politics aside, I hope that the issue of teen pregnancy doesn’t get lost in the miasma of patriotic rhetoric. Teen pregnancy is a serious problem with massive consequences for the country. It’s one of the main causes of poverty and results in lower education levels and quality of life for both the mother and her child. With the issue currently on the main stage, the country has an excellent opportunity to expose it to the public and to actually explore the larger issue of sex education, contraceptives offered in schools and teen motherhood in general.
Sky Squid!!!
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