Thursday, October 30, 2008

A little perspective please

Here in California it looks like the most contentious issue this election season isn’t Democrat v. Republican, but is instead whether gay men and women should have the right to marry. My stance on this is clear: marriage is for people in love, no matter what their gender.

Because of this, I actually consider it a non-issue as there are far more pressing concerns California and the world should be dealing with. Two men getting married isn’t going to put me out of a job, kill a handful of Iraqis or cause my parents house to be foreclosed on. It just isn’t that big of a deal and has little impact on the world at large. This is partly why I find the fact that so many religious groups are pouring money, resources and their concern into stopping gay marriage so laughable.

I mean, if we take a look at the bible it throws a lot of stuff the faithful should or should not do out there. Things you should do: love your mother and father, care for the sick, be meek, help those less fortunate, feed the hungry, keep Sunday sacred and so on. Things you shouldn’t do kill, steal, want what you do not have, worship other gods and so on.

So when it comes to asking “What Would Jesus Do?” about gay marriage, the answer seems to me to be very little. Why? Because he’d be too busy trying to bring peace to the Congo, protecting the innocent, housing homeless families, feeding the hungry, and so much more.

What would pierce the cold heart of a Catholic God more, two men finding happiness in marriage or the attacking, raping and killing of his believers in India ?

How about a little perspective people.

Anyway, here is some clickability:,0,6874328.story


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